Welcome to Washington's Shellfish Trail
Along Washington’s coast the seasons and the shellfish define
each community’s unique personality. Here are some of their stories!
10 Myths and Facts about Oysters
Here’s 10 things you really didn’t need to know about oysters — but we’re telling you anyway!
All Aboard the Shellfish Trail
Like shellfish? Then the Washington Shellfish Trail is where to start your next journey. Since 2017, volunteers have been working with folks that grow, cook, and display shellfish to create a fun trail that bivalve enthusiasts can follow to explore all that is shellfish in Washington.
Tips for Safe Shellfish Harvesting
With low tides expected through this holiday week, Washington State Department of Health officials are reminding recreational shellfish harvesters to take extra precautions to prevent illness from shellfish.
Oyster Pioneers of Oysterville & Willapa Bay
You'll know you are in oyster country when you start to see the immense piles of shells heralding the entrance to each shucking facility.
Razor Clams
Clams will also show at the edge of the surf line when you pound the beach with a shovel handle or your foot. They may squirt sand and water out of the hole where they are located.
Shellfish Gathering
Prepare yourself with buckets, boots, license and check the tides – to harvest shellfish on local saltwater beaches – State Parks in Washington support a healthy stock of clams and oysters.